
Death in the Garden

I quieted my house today, I needed to process. I had a really nice morning with a friend, and then just like grief does, it settled in as soon as she left. Instead of turning the tv or music on, I lay down in silence. I'm not good at this, but I have been so… Continue reading Death in the Garden

This Garden Place

This Garden Place

Recently, at a writer's meeting, we were challenged to look at our writing like a garden. What does our garden look like? What was there? What would others gain by spending time in that place we have created with our words? These, among some other questions, prompted the following to pour out of my fingertips.… Continue reading This Garden Place


A Bee Came By

https://videopress.com/v/DDp9WdK3?resizeToParent=true&cover=true&preloadContent=metadata&useAverageColor=true This morning as I walked around my garden to check on things, a bee flew by. It landed on a calendula that I had started from seed months ago and now is blooming beautifully. The video above is of this little bee doing what bees do and its wiggle and waggle made me smile.… Continue reading A Bee Came By


New beginnings start with an invitation…

I haven't written much yet this year. I think my heart has been in a perpetual state of percolation. Did you know the Latin word percolare is where we get the word percolate? It means "to strain through." I read that, laughed, and thought to myself, "How appropriate." I will be honest, last year was… Continue reading New beginnings start with an invitation…

Rest and Restoration

Fall is coming…

I love fall time. Leaves falling from the trees. The clouds in the sky starting to look full and heavy. Hot mugs and warm sweatshirts always nearby. This year as we prepare for the change in things we outwardly see, I pray we would also take a moment to prepare our hearts and minds for… Continue reading Fall is coming…

Rest and Restoration

Entering in…

Rest can be so elusive in this chaotic world. We chase after so many things, telling ourselves if we only get a little more of this or of that, THEN we can rest. I want to ask you a question. Do you know what it means to rest? I'll be honest with you, me neither.… Continue reading Entering in…

My People

For My Auntie Kay

I'm posting this again as a tribute to my sweet Auntie Kay who passed into glory this past Saturday morning. I felt it was worth a revision and a repost. The snow is falling outside and I’m crying. The warmth of the kitchen stove top and the smell of sausage cooking wraps me up like… Continue reading For My Auntie Kay

My People

10 years in…

Ten years ago at this time, Chris and I were in our honeymoon suite. (Don't worry, this post is PG.) We had just settled back in after running out to a local Italian place to pick up some food. Room service at the hotel was two hours behind and Chris was already aware that his… Continue reading 10 years in…

My People

Our Gracie Girl

Gracie Haywood We adopted this little eight year old sweetie one week ago. We found her at a local rescue shelter laying quietly in a back corner. She was silent and shy as all the other dogs around us barked loudly for our attention. My husband walked slowly to where she was and as she… Continue reading Our Gracie Girl

My People

For My Auntie Kay

The snow is falling outside and I’m crying. The warmth of the kitchen stove top and the smell of sausage cooking wraps me up like one of her hugs. She smelled like all the yummy things in life. Onions sauteeing in a pan. Hot fudge sundaes. A great cup of coffee. I’m famous for my… Continue reading For My Auntie Kay